Tuesday, February 9, 2010

S Type Toilet Cistern Why Is It Taking Ages For My Toilet Cistern To Refill?

Why is it taking ages for my toilet cistern to refill? - s type toilet cistern

We have tried to replace the washing machine - No Results ... We have also installed a new "Torbeck" type valve - still not better ...

Until a few weeks earlier, fills the tank at an acceptable speed. The pressure of the tank and the rest of the house is good. It is a bit of water hammer when valves fade quickly in the cold room. Any advice is welcome. Thank you.


DANIEL S said...

It could be that in the pipe with water, or possibly a bad power valve. Torbeck valve is a fill valve, I think. Can you get a fluid master fill valve? If so, since in
I hope this has helped some, good luck!

Bottom Lip said...

Have you tried to flush the system and the elimination of all rooms air? The air inclusions are usually the cause of water hammer.

Did you live in a cover-up "area of the water? The tube in the tank can be blocked a little.

It is the right arm ball game, the tank is filled faster if you sink the balls?

Get your guy to get another chance!

Alan C said...

The filling valves to come normally with a high water content (main) entrance interchangeable with low pressure in the tank (water) inlet pressure. If the tank is filled at low pressure system installed by a water tank and the valve high input pressure, then the water will take centuries to fill.

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